These are verified Barestep customers. They have all ditched the pain and joined the barefoot revolution!
Your dreams of a life full of vitality and energy are being blocked by one thing: pain. We wake up in the morning with ambitious plans, to move freely and live the life we know will certainly make us the happiest versions of ourselves. Not long after, the steps become increasingly painful. There has to be a better way.
Did you know that the modern cushioned shoe you’re probably wearing right now was only created in the last fifty years? There is a direct correlation between lower body pain and modern shoes. By altering your foot mechanics, limiting your natural movement and reducing your stability, the modern shoe is taking you a step backwards.
Essentially, you’re walking in a completely unnatural way which causes dependencies and compensations. These create weaknesses and halt your body’s ability to build strength.
It doesn’t have to be this way. The modern shoe took us a step backwards, but there’s a way for you to go two steps forwards. Meet the Barestep Active. The shoe that uniquely combines comfort, support and freedom to give you back everything the modern shoe took away. Feel an instant relief as soon as you slip them on. It doesn’t stop there, as wear them you will build the strength that your body’s been craving and guess what? You’re going to get even stronger.
"I've been saying this for years, and I can't stress enough the incredible advantages of wearing barefoot shoes. By letting our feet function naturally, we unlock their amazing potential. The unrestricted movement and sensory feedback they offer are unmatched. It's high time we embrace barefoot shoes and witness the profound impact they can have on our lives.”
And knees, hips, lower back.
Proprioception - the body's sense of itself in the world; the way we know our territory and how to protect ourselves against undue impact and sress - has finally been restored! Life changing.